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Staff member
I started this game about a day or two ago, and although I could be a cynical fuck about it, the game just has SOOO much detail and content (over 20 hours) and it's so endearing in its presentation that I find it really hard not to like it.

Anyone else play this game? Or just me?


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
funny you say that, I've had it on my wishlist for awhile now. I quite liked the style, and since its on sale now I might grab it now


Staff member
Bump. This game is just getting better. This world actually seems like a living breathing world that has its own people in it, even though you never actually talk to another live human being of course, and the music is so catchy. Which I'm very thankful for, because you're gonna be hearing it a lot. In general, the game really does manage to draw you in with its earnestness. Emilie, your partner, is an important part of that. I personally love her but I suppose that's personal taste. Oh, and look at that, I DON'T HAVE TO WIPE MY PARTY MEMBERS' ASS FOR THEM.

Now I come to think of it, the AI in this game is pretty damn good. Your partner attacks and weaves out of the way of incoming attacks very intelligently, with no need for further input from the player, and every enemy is unique and has unique attack patterns to them. I'm reminded actually of Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow. Pathfinding is also really good, considering all the factors that the AI needs to put up with in this game. Having said all that, the game isn't COMPLETELY perfect, but literally the only thing I can think of right now is that the game is slow in giving you new combat abilities.

I never thought I'd say this but this game is making me into a huge fan of it. Which is a huge feat because I'm a cynical asshole. Trust me on that one. And I'm so happy for that, because I never play enough games with this level of quality and detail in them.


Sanctuary legend
I've heard very good things about it, I do plan to play it eventually but my tabletop gaming hobby seems to have taken over most of my free time and I haven't been playing many videogame either, and even most games I do play tend to be based on tabletop games, I haven't even been watching as many movies.

But anyway I'll keep it in mind and will sure to grab it later specially if it's on sale (It's currently 20% off but I've just emptied my bank account and am currently carrying everything on cash).