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Borderlands 3, more like Bored-erlands


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
I do not like this game.

I haven't finished the game, (as of writing, I've reached Athenas, the third planet you visit) but I do not care. This game is unenjoyable and the only reason I'm grinding my way through it, is because I want to cross it off my list. Once I finish, I'll likely never come back, not even to try the dlc which is a shame because 2 and Pre-sequel are some of my favorite games, but this is just...bad and boring.

Enemies rewrite the definition for bullet sponges. On more than one occasion I haven gone into a fight and burnt through all the ammo in the guns I have. You're probably thinking "you're just under-leveled" to which you're wrong. I have been either one level below or the same level as the enemies I've been fighting. I went through the hassle of completing side missions to get some levels, and I barely made one. The sponginess is compounded by how ineffective the weapons feel. Enemies do periodically react when they get shot, but it feels more like they're just pretending to react, rather than actually react. Almost every gun I've used just feels like I'm using a squirt-gun on them. What doesn't help is that its constantly throwing guns at you, but they barely feel any different to each other. Whether the shotgun fires a single slug or a spread shot, the gun feels the same. The secondary modes are neat, but rarely useful. Going back to the sponges quickly, It took me nearly 12 rockets to take down a single heavy, and that was after I whittled down its shield. Fuck heavies and fuck baddass heavies even more. Also fuck the enemy that keeps giving its allies shields.
I don't like the change they made to weapon switching either. On ps4, you could switch between you're last two weapons with triangle or all four weapons with the D-pad, but not now. The d-pad instead switches between active quests or..well I'm actually not sure what up/down does to be honest. I think down recalls my pet (i'm playing flak) and up puts a marker on screen, but I don't know what purpose the marker serves. Back to weapon switching though, If you want to swap, you'll need to use triangle to cycle between your equipped weapons which imo slows down the already tedious combat.

Quests are shit too. Go here, kill or collect thing, come back, go back and kill/collect another thing, come back. Rinse and repeat, Its all so tiresome. It'd be fine if the combat was enjoyable, but is not. The game just throws large amounts of enemies at you, and it just feels like it never ends. None of the characters I've meet have been likely, they're all trying to be quirky or memey and its just not funny. One of the side-quests has you getting some coffee, because not being able to function without coffee is soo quirky and relatable. Another side-quest giver has some lame deez-nuts joke. Enough said. And the antagonists....just make it stop, please. If I hear "like, follow and submit" one more time, I'll throw myself out of a window. Haha, social media aren't we relatable and quirky, no you're insufferable twats.

This isn't to say the games doesn't have some neat features, but honestly, they're just not enough to redeem it. Cool I can slide and mantle things, but it doesn't make the gameplay more enjoyable. Sure I can add trinkets and skins to guns, but it doesn't make the gameplay more enjoyable. You know what does it make the game more enjoyable though?

2/10 with a bonus fuck randy/10 too


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
I had the opportunity to try the game out for 4 days last month, and yeah it's overall bland and the enemies are way too bullet spongy even when you are exploiting their weaknesses. I made it a bit over half the game up to the 4th planet and at that point I just stopped, the game did not have anything to keep me interested. Although the last story DLC they are gonna release soon is something I would like to see because it's about Krieg and I love that character.


Staff member
I've always said that Borderlands is in dire need of a "Custom Gun" feature where you can break down the guns you get for parts and use them to piece together your own stats. You would even be able to use the parts purely as a skin as well.


Arch Disciple
Sanctuary legend
I've always said that Borderlands is in dire need of a "Custom Gun" feature where you can break down the guns you get for parts and use them to piece together your own stats. You would even be able to use the parts purely as a skin as well.

Definitely. More like the original looter-shooter Hellgate.


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Got to the first vault, Died a couple of times to the boss and decided that's where I quit.