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Are you guys aware that a good chunk of Appalachia is just gone?

Dale Gribble

After the hurricane entire cities in Appalachia are completely gone, literally swept away in mudslides, with the most damage on the nc side of the tn/nc border. Last I heard over 1000 people are still missing and Asheville is completely cut off from the outside world, only accessible by air. Lots of small mountain towns are just destroyed or gone altogether. After all the logging and land clearing in the mountains the topsoil was already loose, add In a bunch of rain and you can see how bad the mudslides can get. Now imagine you live in the foothills.

Now watch how fast yankee developers swoop in and buy up land to bulldoze everything and build subdivisions that none of the locals can afford.
As far as disasters go, I generally avoid paying attention to that stuff. I can't do anything about it whatsoever, so out of sight, out of mind.
How much demand is there for suburbs in the mountains of rural appalachia, realistically speaking? What commerce hubs would they commute in to? Most foreclosures in 08 were concentrated in a minority of the country, because that was where demand spiked the prices, where large concentrations of people already were.
How much demand is there for suburbs in the mountains of rural appalachia, realistically speaking? What commerce hubs would they commute in to? Most foreclosures in 08 were concentrated in a minority of the country, because that was where demand spiked the prices, where large concentrations of people already were.

You'd be surprised tbh. Appalachia is full of Yankees now. Most big cities in Appalachia are all yanks.