• For our 10th anniversary on May 9th, 2024, we will be giving out 15 GB of free, off-shore, DMCA-resistant file storage per user, and very possibly, public video hosting! For more details, check a look at our roadmap here.

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New Clan Details for Sanctuary


Staff member
If you've looked at the shoutbox any time within the past three days or so, you already know that we're planning to start a clan. Well, I'm proud to say that we've finally worked out the basic details which can be found below.

The Sanctuary clan and website will technically be separate groups, but they will work very symbiotically. You can be a part of the Sanctuary community, but not be a part of the clan and vice versa, but clan operations will solely be here. When you join the clan, you must simply tell a moderator that you wish to join. Optionally, you can also specify if you'd like to join the competitive scene of any games. You may also specify if you'd like to list a dedicated server you own as an official Sanctuary server.

If someone decides to join the competitive scene of a game but no one has any rank in that game yet, they are automatically a General for that game. After that, any other new people to the competitive scene of that game must challenge one of the lowest ranking members. A recording of the match must be made as well. Alternatively, a staff member of Sanctuary can be present. If the new person has more victories, they will be the new member of that rank and the loser gets moved down the ranks by one. If an equal number, they occupy the same rank as the person they challenge. If lower, they take a rank even lower than the one they challenged. This will continue until there is at least one person occupying each level of rank.

After each level of rank is filled, every new competitive person in the clan starts off as a Private. To ascend your rank in any competitive (PvP) game, you must score an equal amount of victories or higher than the person with the rank above you that you are challenging. These are the ranks.


If the competition is held in an:
FPS - 2 matches. Frag limit of 10 for each match. Time limit of 10 minutes for each match.
Third Person Slasher - 4 duels.
Fighting Game - 2 matches. 2 scored knockouts needed to end the match.
Strategy - 2 matches.


Co-operative ranks are much simpler and are awarded based on a combination of their knowledge of a game and their willingness to help people in general and bring them together. These are the co-op ranks.



For server operations, these are the ranks.

Server Owner
Server Operator
Server Moderator


You can find all this information about the clan by one of two ways. One, you can look at the official Clan membership thread (soon to be made), or two, you can look at someone's profile in the "About" section to see if they have any clan ranks. These fields on the user profile are not editable by anyone but Sanctuary staff, so keep that in mind.

There's also another new profile field now, where people can specify which multiplayer games they'd like to play with others. Annndddd... I forgot to add Steam/Origin/etc. tag fields. I'll get on that, but yes. Anyway, that is what's going on. There's also a lot more Mono would like to do, but I need to talk to him about that more before I start making announcements about that as well, so stay tuned for that as well.

I'm also going to start contacting some old friends and see if we can't build this clan into something truly great. Until then, let me know of your comments and suggestions below! See you guys again soon.