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Unpopular Gaming Opinions


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Post your unpopular opinions here.
Here's a few of mine to start:

Preorders aren't entirely bad.
I have zero issue with pre-ordering a game. Yeah, splitting up content to sell different versions or adding collectibles to ramp up the price is bad, but I still have no issue pre-ordering it. Its a convenient way to get them same day and considering I don't pay anything, or at minimum $10, till it launches, its no different to just buying it day one.

Fallout New Vegas isn't that good.
Yeah, I said it, fight me.
I don't hate it, by any means, I just don't think its as good as people hype it up to be, and I'm sick of people already saying "new vegas 2?" now that microsoft own bethesda and obsisian. Outer Worlds, hyped by many to be what fallout 4 should've been, was just okay at best.

You don't deserve a next gen version of a cross-gen game.
I'm sick of people acting like buying a PS4 game entitles you to the ps4 version.
It doesn't.
Sure its anti-consumer, but you're not entitled to it. You're buying the PS4 version, that's it. Not the GOTY edition, Not the PS5 edition, Not the PS6 edition, etc.
I pre-ordered the ps3 version of Far-Cry 4, does that mean I deserve the PS4 version too? No, because that's not what I brought.
I've brought GTA V on PS3 and PS4, does that mean I deserve the PS5 version? No, because again, that's not what I brought.
I could name more, but I don't feel the need. If you want a next-gen version, just buy that and stopped acting entitled.


Staff member
I think pre-orders are a huge no-no if, for whatever reason, you can't return the game after getting it.

Yeah, the Outer Worlds really didn't look too exciting for me, and New Vegas' setting really didn't reel me in like Fallout 3's did. NV is much better in the gameplay department, but FO3 has a better setting.

I see what you mean, but it's a little different since Microsoft has now actually set a standard for the better, and all these AAA publishers could certainly afford to do it, but we all know they just want to sell you the same game again so the execs can get their next leer jet. And I think that's the issue, and not necessarily that gamers aren't getting the game on another console.


For me:

The Last of Us was average.
Look, I'm sure it's got a VERY emotional story, and it probably even looks nice, but the problem is it's PREDICTABLE. It says absolutely nothing new. The ending is interesting, sure, but it doesn't make up for the rest of the game which is yet another we're-all-gonna-die grimdark zombie apocalypse story.

SSB: Ultimate is unacceptably bad.
Why? The controls are broken and suck ass. Seriously, that's it. That's all they have to fix. But they won't because who the fuck knows.

Your DRM platform is an unacceptable waste of space on my hard drive unless you compete with Steam somehow.
Sorry if I think needing to install NO LESS THAN 5 PLATFORMS is way too much to play all the games I've bought. Not even talking about how these stores aren't even equivalent to Steam.

Halo 5 was one of the absolute worst games I've had the misfortune of seeing in my life.
It was so bad, it's responsible for me not owning another console past the 360 to this day. Maybe not all that unpopular though.
Last edited:


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
I think pre-orders are a huge no-no if, for whatever reason, you can't return the game after getting it.

Yeah, the Outer Worlds really didn't look too exciting for me, and New Vegas' setting really didn't reel me in like Fallout 3's did. NV is much better in the gameplay department, but FO3 has a better setting.

I see what you mean, but it's a little different since Microsoft has now actually set a standard for the better, and all these AAA publishers could certainly afford to do it, but we all know they just want to sell you the same game again so the execs can get their next leer jet. And I think that's the issue, and not necessarily that gamers aren't getting the game on another console.


For me:

The Last of Us was average.
Look, I'm sure it's got a VERY emotional story, and it probably even looks nice, but the problem is it's PREDICTABLE. It says absolutely nothing new. The ending is interesting, sure, but it doesn't make up for the rest of the game which is yet another we're-all-gonna-die grimdark zombie apocalypse story.

SSB: Ultimate is unacceptably bad.
Why? The controls are broken and suck ass. Seriously, that's it. That's all they have to fix. But they won't because who the fuck knows.

Your DRM platform is an unacceptable waste of space on my hard drive unless you compete with Steam somehow.
Sorry if I think needing to install NO LESS THAN 5 PLATFORMS is way too much to play all the games I've bought. Not even talking about how these stores aren't even equivalent to Steam.

Halo 5 was one of the absolute worst games I've had the misfortune of seeing in my life.
It was so bad, it's responsible for me not owning another console past the 360 to this day. Maybe not all that unpopular though.
Your only real unpopular opinion here would be on The Last of Us, the game is more of a playable movie, and people really liked it because of the story and characters for the most part.

On the following 3 points I doubt a lot of people would disagree, they are common complaints.

For my part the only unpopular opinion I can give on gaming is that what matters to me is what I think of any game in particular, whether the general consensus of such a thing is that it's either good or bad. I don't care about other people's approval on what I should be playing or supporting, if I like the game or it interests me I will buy it and play it and if not then I won't, simple as that. People who disagree with this have no say in the matter anyway.


Sanctuary legend
Fallout New Vegas isn't that good.
Yeah, I said it, fight me.
I don't hate it, by any means, I just don't think its as good as people hype it up to be, and I'm sick of people already saying "new vegas 2?" now that microsoft own bethesda and obsisian. Outer Worlds, hyped by many to be what fallout 4 should've been, was just okay at best.
You know... I not only agree, I'd go further; it's not good, full stop.

It's always baffled me, watching my fellow Fallout 1/2 grognards trip over one another to praise it, when the absolute best I could say for it is that it's better than (so-called) Fallout 3. "Oh, but people from the original team worked on it!" "Oh, but it's as much of a sequel to F2 as we're ever going to get!"


It doesn't play like a Fallout game, it plays like Fallout 3 - which is of course to say Oblivion with guns. Wasteland 2 was more of a Fallout game than New Vegas, which I guess leads nicely into my own unpopular opinion...

Wasteland 2 was a really enjoyable game.

Yes, I know, it's fundamentally flawed, bordering on outright broken. But probably because it filled a niche left vacant for so long - actual old-school cRPGs - I enjoyed the hell out of it. It actually made me remember that feeling of looking at the clock and going, "whoa, where the hell did the last two hours go?" I used to regularly get from the genre.


Hollow Knight is really not that good.

Maybe this is a Reddit thing, but I always see people fawning over this game like it's God's gift to the whole old-school, Metroidvania platformer genre... and frankly, I just don't see it.

Now, I get why people like it. It's a beautiful game, in every aspect. It's well-designed, engaging, and probably one of the best value-for-your-money deals, in terms of game content, you can get in the genre. But honestly, I just can't get as into it as most people seem to. I'd take Axiom Verge or The Messenger over it any day.


Staff member
Hollow Knight is really not that good.

Maybe this is a Reddit thing, but I always see people fawning over this game like it's God's gift to the whole old-school, Metroidvania platformer genre... and frankly, I just don't see it.

Now, I get why people like it. It's a beautiful game, in every aspect. It's well-designed, engaging, and probably one of the best value-for-your-money deals, in terms of game content, you can get in the genre. But honestly, I just can't get as into it as most people seem to. I'd take Axiom Verge or The Messenger over it any day.
I'll do you one better. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow is what you should be looking at.


Brother Sharp
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Cookmaster supreme
I'll do you one better. Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow is what you should be looking at.

that voice acting all over the game kills me everytime, its not a bad game at all and it was the game that popularized that stuff. But it gets put on a pedestal way too often because it was revolutionary at the time.


UT2004 champion
Any bethesda or spiderman game is just a repeat of the last one.

Sure they have some good ideas here and there, but the premises is the same as any other cave explorer or RPG game, and the fact they rely on their community to fix all the issues with it makes it that much worse.
There's also the fact it offers no challenge in the slightest, I played through Skyrim on my first run, hardest difficulty and everything couldn't lay a finger on me from how 'powerful' I was. The only thing difficult about it was the artificially injected difficulty when HP and damage was ramped up excessively high in very rare enemies that are supposed to get me going or whatever, but it's just the default monster with the same bad mechanics as the last one.

DOOM was also done extremely poorly, and it may have stood the test of time with being great in it's great ideas involving brutally murdering demons and I'd line up for that like any other gal... but it just got boring.
There was no story, there was little exploration, and quite frankly getting secrets in the game left me clueless and stuck in several places because it's not that they don't guide the player, it's that they give mixed signals.


Staff member
Any bethesda or spiderman game is just a repeat of the last one.

Sure they have some good ideas here and there, but the premises is the same as any other cave explorer or RPG game, and the fact they rely on their community to fix all the issues with it makes it that much worse.
There's also the fact it offers no challenge in the slightest, I played through Skyrim on my first run, hardest difficulty and everything couldn't lay a finger on me from how 'powerful' I was. The only thing difficult about it was the artificially injected difficulty when HP and damage was ramped up excessively high in very rare enemies that are supposed to get me going or whatever, but it's just the default monster with the same bad mechanics as the last one.

DOOM was also done extremely poorly, and it may have stood the test of time with being great in it's great ideas involving brutally murdering demons and I'd line up for that like any other gal... but it just got boring.
There was no story, there was little exploration, and quite frankly getting secrets in the game left me clueless and stuck in several places because it's not that they don't guide the player, it's that they give mixed signals.
I would recommend Morrowind and Project Brutality (Brutal Doom variant).


Lord Inquisitor
Sanctuary legend
Sanctuary contributor
Any bethesda or spiderman game is just a repeat of the last one.
To be fair on spiderman, you can't really change the formula, as funny as it would be to make it an fps or something though.